Grid View

Grid view shows all seven days of the week at once on the Enhanced Scheduling screen. All shifts, time clocks, events, background events, and TBD employee details are stacked in a single column for each day.

The Grid view of the Enhanced Scheduling screen includes most of the same features as the Chart view but the layout of the schedule is different.

  • All shifts for the day are the same width and are stacked, starting with the earliest shifts and progressing through the day.

  • One shift row appears for each employee or TBD entry in the Employee pane.

  • Scheduled shifts appear as blue bars.

  • Time clock data appears in a red bar below the scheduled shift.

  • The shift times appear in the bar if there is room to display them. Shifts that have not ended yet have an end time of Now.

Grid view includes these features that are described in Chart view: